





  1. 方便袋
  2. 连卷袋/撕拉袋/拉链袋
  3. OPP塑料袋
  4. 平口袋/直立袋
  5. 手工异形袋/缩口塑料袋
  6. 扣手袋/手挽袋/服装袋
  7. 罩衣袋
  8. 气垫膜袋
  9. 塑料薄膜
  10. 抗静电塑料袋


  Definition of PP bag

  pp袋就是以聚丙烯为材料而制作成的塑料袋,其一般采用彩印,胶印工艺,色泽鲜艳 ,一般多做编织袋,另外PP袋是拉伸性的聚丙烯塑料,属于热塑性塑料的一种。其、无味、表面光洁透明。容易燃烧,火焰情况为熔融滴落,上黄下蓝,离火后烟少,继续燃烧,多用于化妆品、食品、玩具、服装、文具、电子、五金制品等各行业的包装。颜色为透明,质量优良,韧性好,因其硬脆的材质决定了其只适于包装不适于承重。PP化学名称:聚丙烯英文名称:Polypropylene(简称PP)PP为结晶型高聚物,常用塑料中PP轻,密度仅为0.91g/cm3(比水小)。通用塑料中,PP的耐热性,其热变形温度为80-100℃,能在沸水中煮。PP有良好的应力开裂性,有很高的弯曲疲劳寿命,俗称“百折胶”。PP的综合性能优于PE料。PP产品质轻、韧性好、耐化学性好。PP的缺点:尺寸精度低、刚性不足、耐候性差、易产生“铜害”,它具有后收缩现象,脱模后,易老化、变脆、易变形。日常生活中,常用的保鲜盒就是由PP材料制成。

  PP bag is a plastic bag made of polypropylene material, which is generally processed by color printing and offset printing, with bright colors. It is usually made as a woven bag. In addition, PP bag is a stretchable polypropylene plastic, which belongs to a type of thermoplastic. It is non-toxic, odorless, and has a smooth and transparent surface. Easy to burn, with a flame condition of melting droplets, yellow on top and blue on bottom. After leaving the fire, there is less smoke and it continues to burn. It is commonly used for packaging in various industries such as cosmetics, food, toys, clothing, stationery, electronics, and hardware products. The color is transparent, the quality is excellent, and the toughness is good. Due to its hard and brittle material, it is only suitable for packaging and not suitable for load-bearing. PP chemical name: Polypropylene (abbreviated as PP) PP is a crystalline high polymer, commonly used as the lightest plastic with a density of only 0.91g/cm3 (smaller than water). Among general plastics, PP has the best heat resistance, with a heat deformation temperature of 80-100 ℃, and can be boiled in boiling water. PP has good stress cracking resistance and high bending fatigue life, commonly known as "100 fold adhesive". The comprehensive performance of PP is superior to that of PE material. PP products are lightweight, have good toughness, and good chemical resistance. Disadvantages of PP: low dimensional accuracy, insufficient rigidity, poor weather resistance, and susceptibility to "copper damage". It has a phenomenon of post shrinkage, and after demolding, it is prone to aging, brittleness, and deformation. In daily life, the commonly used fresh-keeping box is made of PP material.



  Definition of OPP bag


  The definition of OPP bag is oriented stretchable polypropylene film, which has the characteristics of high transparency and brittleness. OPP is folded in half and the side is sealed with a self-adhesive seal at the opening tongue. When in use, the protective skin on the surface of the seal is peeled off and the tongue is folded in half and glued firmly. It is convenient to use, beautiful and elegant, and widely used in industries such as clothing, food, printing, stationery, cosmetics, paper, etc.


  We can also print various patterns, butterfly holes, and airplane holes according to customer needs. OPP film has higher tensile strength, stiffness, transparency, glossiness, printing performance, and more than ordinary PP film. The price naturally needs to be higher, and the price varies depending on the specifications. The sealing performance of OPP film is more than twice that of traditional film, making its products more moisturizing, fresh-keeping, and have a longer storage time.


  OPP stands for oriented polypropylene, while O mainly refers to the production process! OPP: oriented, stretchable polypropylene, is a type of polypropylene and a two-way polypropylene (BOPP) OPP main products: OPP tape: based on polypropylene film, it has the advantages of high tensile strength, light weight, non-toxic and odorless, environmental protection, and wide range of applications. OPP bottle: lightweight, low cost, improved transparency, excellent heat resistance, suitable for hot filling. In recent years, OPP transparent bottles have become an alternative to PET bottles.


  The difference between two materials:


  1. In terms of touch, OPP appears more brittle and hard, while PP has better softness. 2. In terms of transparency, OPP has better transparency, while PP has slightly lower transparency. Nowadays, some high transparency PPs can also have transparency close to OPP.


This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan OPP self-adhesive bag. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.sxsuliao.com/: Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned






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